Who is Peterbald?


Peterbald - Russian sphinx or St. Petersburg sphinx is considered to be a group of Siamese and Oriental cats up to FIFE group IV and WCF group V according to WCF

The breed was founded in Russia in St. Petersburg in 1994 in the Olga Mironova breeding and is a variation of the Siamese cat. To create this breed, an oriental short-haired female named Radma von Jagerhov and the Afinogen sphinx were used. They were born in two litters of four Peterbaldy kittens: Mandarin Murino, Muscat Murino, Nezhenka Murino and Nocturne Murino.
In the article, Nikoletta Parchimowicz describes the most expensive cats in the world, claiming that "many lovers are able to pay a fortune for their bald tussle.
The more bald the skin and the more wrinkled, the more it costs money. The appearance of these exotic tweaks is extremely sophisticated. They are slim, elegant and graceful. The texture of the skin resembles velvet, so they are very nice to touch. Other features distinguish them.
They have characteristic large ears that make them similar to the characters from the fairy tale. Peterbaldy also occurs in hairy varieties. "

Based on FIFE standards, Peterbald is:

Origin: Russia

· General appearance: elegant, slim, full of grace, subtlety and dignity, in the oriental type; small skeleton, elongated silhouette with strong muscles

· Character: friendly, strongly associated with the human, intelligent, inquisitive
· Size: medium size

· Weight: 2-3,5 kg

· Head: elongated with a straight profile; forehead slightly flattened

· Ears: large, set high on the head

· Eyes: in the shape of sharply outlined almonds, honey, green-gold or blue - at the colorpoint

· Nose: long and straight, without stop

· Torso: slender, elongated; long and thin limbs with long fingers

· Tail: long and thin

· Coat: preferred total lack of hair; in hairy cats hair on the body should not exceed 2mm in length; wrinkles on the skin - mainly around the mouth, between the ears and around the base of the paws

· Color: all colors and varieties allowed

· Activity: very active

· Resistance / susceptibility to diseases: quite resistant, should be protected against cold, sun and moisture

· Length of life: 15-18 years


A bald cat requires more of our care due to temperature differences, too much sun exposure or low temperatures. In summer, a cat that is lying on a sunny spot should be smeared with a cream with a UV filter so that it does not burn the skin and do not get freckles. In the winter, it is advisable to place bedding in the area of ​​radiators, heating lamps, temperature over 20 degrees and clothes protecting the cat.

Peterbaldy, like other breeds of bald cats, should be bathed to get rid of sebum. The fact is that in this breed sebum is not in excess. Here we meet with two methods of maintaining a peterbalda in a good hygienic condition.

The first one is regular bathing, eg 1 a week (in this case, sebum, that is, natural skin protection is washed, which causes more of its production), the second method is bathing for once a month or two and "habit" of the cat's organism for the production of a protective factor or sebum.

There are also advocates of not bathing a cat at all.

Our cats are bathed on average 3 times a month.

In addition to taking care of the skin, you should cut the claws, clean the eyes and regularly clean the ears in which the sebum is also collected.

To make the skin of the peterbalda ideal, use a good diet rich in meat. A healthy cat is a healthy owner.

Obligations of compulsory vaccinations must be observed, participation in the life of our cat in order not to overlook his ill health. It is also important to take care of a good mental state and, in particular, to cultivate the bond between human and peterbald. They are unique cats, very much in need of human presence.

You should look after Peterbalda.

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